
The CHRONICLE project consists of 6 work packages (WP), each with tasks (T) and corresponding deliverables (D).
The deliverables which are public will be published here throughout the project.

    WP1 Quality Assurance and Management

    D1.2 CHRONICLE Data Management Plan (pending EU approval)


    This CHRONICLE data management plan (based on the Horizon Europe Data Management Plan template) explains the general procedures and minimum requirements that specific data management procedures in each work package, task, or organisation should be built upon. It is written with the consortium and a public audience in mind.

    All research, development, engineering and administrative tasks have associated data needs. The deliverable seeks to address these needs by expanding on the following points:

    • The types of open and non-open data that will be used, generated, or collected by the consortium during the project’s lifespan.
    • The technologies and infrastructures related to data treatment.
    • The standards related to the data.
    • The data exploitation plans.
    • The sharing/access policies applied to datasets.

    WP2 Holistic Building Performance Assessment Methodologies

    D2.1 CHRONICLE Business requirements, Use cases & System architecture (pending EU approval)


    This deliverable sets the foundations of the CHRONICLE system by collecting the requirements of the stakeholders involved and providing an overview of all system aspects. More specifically, this document defines the CHRONICLE business scenarios and concrete use cases (UCs) and through them elicits the systems requirements aligned with the needs of a wide range of stakeholders from the building sectors. Based on these requirements, the concrete technical specifications of the system along with its architecture are defined.

    WP3 Building Digital Twin Framework

    WP4 CHRONICLE Applications for Energy and LC Performance assessment

    WP5 Demonstration, Validation and Impact Assessment

    WP6 Dissemination, Communication, Exploitation & Innovation

    D6.1 CHRONICLE Project Outreach Plan & Activities (pending EU approval)


    This document presents CHRONICLE’s Communication, Exploitation and Dissemination Plan. It both lays down the methodology to be followed for dissemination and exploitation actions and outlines the actions to be taken to maximize the impact of CHRONICLE’s results.

    The document is concerned with:

    1. Identifying the CHRONICLE stakeholders to be targeted by dissemination activities
    2. Outlining the dissemination objectives, goals, strategies and tactics for the CHRONICLE Project
    3. Presenting the dissemination activities to be undertaken over the duration of the CHRONICLE Project
    4. Setting expectation for dissemination performance for the CHRONICLE Project
    5. Reporting on dissemination activities taking place during the first year of the project

    It is organised as follows:

    • Section 1 introduces the scope of the Outreach Plan & Activities and relation to other WPs in CHRONICLE.
    • Section 2 outlines the methodology – for the different elements in the plan – audience, messages, channels etc. The dissemination activities will be implemented through traditional communication channels, such as website, social media, event attendance, project publications and project presentations.
    • In Section 3, the Outreach Plan & Activities – first version – is presented.
    • Section 4 presents the visual design to be used in the dissemination and communication.
    • Section 5 gives the background and plan for activities to engage the end-users in Learning Labs.
    • In Section 6, the relation and synergies to other sister projects are described.
    • Finally, in section 7, 8 and 9, measures of impact, time plan, conclusion and references are described.

    The Outreach Plan & Activities outlined in this document are subject to change to provide the project with a flexible approach to determine the most relevant routes to dissemination.